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Welcome to TangiTech2, a five day continuation workshop of technology integration into the classroom curriculum. You must have attended all five days of the original TangiTech before you will be eligible to attend TangiTech2. I hope each day's activities will make you anxious to get back to your classroom and implement some of the projects we will develop.

We will be working on a number of publishing projects including an Internet Scavenger Hunt, lots of templates, and several other Internet projects and activities. Therefore, I need you to do a little "preplanning" before you get to TangiTech2. The more preplanning you complete in advance, the more you will be able to accomplish during our five training days together. Read the Preparation notes below and start thinking and preparing now.

Preparation 1 - THEME/TOPIC

Decide on a theme that you would like to center your activities and projects around. This theme should be something that you teach and something that will correlate with the Comprehensive Curriculum and GLEs you teach in your classroom.

Preparation 2 - PHOTOGRAPHS

Collect and bring several photographs to scan for a PowerPoint presentation we will begin on Day 7. These should be of your family, friends, your pets, your hobbies, things you like to do, etc.

Preparation 3 - SCAVENGER HUNT

A Scavenger Hunt is a list of questions and active links for students to use to conduct research on the Web. This format helps to focus student research and to prevent students from wasting class time searching unproductively on the Web. To prepare for the Scavenger Hunt you will be publishing on Day 8, click on the following links to see some examples of Internet Scavenger Hunts.

How to Make Online Scavenger Hunts is a very short article that will give you an organized approach to creating Scavenger Hunts.

Complete the following and come prepared to publish your Scavenger Hunt on Day 8. If possible, do these things in a Microsoft Word document and bring to TangiTech2 with you or mail it to yourself as an attachment.

1. Develop an idea or theme for your Scavenger Hunt.
2. Type a rough draft of 10 questions in the Microsoft Word Document .
3. Copy and paste the URL from the websites you are using and don't forget to type the title of the Web sites as well. (The website title can be found at the very top of your computer screen in the blue bar.)

Preparation 4 - Scanner Collage

On Day 8 we will create scanner collages in which you collect pictures, realia, fabric, etc. to create a collage about a certain theme. We will discuss this in detail on Day 6, but you should read the lesson ideas by clicking here and start planning and collecting your items.


You will need to bring three or four CD-Rs...we are going to burn CDs of all the work we do in TangiTech. If you have a "jump drive" bring it with you to TangiTech class.


One of the requirements of TangiTech is that you compile a Professional Portfolio. Click here to read all about constructing your Portfolio.

Lesson Plans

The other requirement of TangiTech2 is that you complete either a three day unit with one technology connection per day or three separate lesson plans each day with a technology connection.


I can't wait to see you on Day 6 of TangiTech2 ! We will start at 8:00 a.m. SHARP! Remember that the T3 Lab at C.M. Fagan is cool, so you may need to bring a sweater if you are cold natured. We will also have a "Goodie" sign up sheet like we did for TangiTech #1. Until then, take care and don't forget to bring your photographs on Day 6 and some ideas for your Scavenger Hunt. Feel free to call or with any questions!

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This page was last updated on Monday, January 24, 2011.