"A portfolio is a "living history of a teaching-learning life." from Professional Portfolios by Teachers by Wilcox and Tomeii 1999 |
One of the requirements of TangiTech is that participants create and maintain a professional portfolio. Portfolios offer a means to promote better teaching and to document teaching achievement. Portfolios often give a clearer picture of learners and the products they create, especially in a technology-rich environment, than do traditional means of assessment.
In this portfolio you will keep examples of technology projects from TangiTech and your technology-connected lesson plans you have created. Be sure to organize your portfolio in a logical and consistent manner. Keep in mind that you are building a comprehensive picture of yourself and your accomplishments through these materials. They should work together as a cohesive unit, each adding an essential element to the whole. You should think of this portfolio as a work in progress and plan to continue to develop it throughout your teaching career. Keep in mind that your portfolio should speak for you as a teacher in your absence. Listed below you will find other suggestions for your portfolio. Possible Portfolio Components:
Cover Page with Vital Statistics such as:
Philosophy of Teaching Statement | |||
Resume of Professional Experience, to include the following:
List of Professional Development Activities Include a list of activities that have developed our expertise. Be sure to include:
Evidence/Artifacts The prime material in your portfolio is the evidence that you present to support your resume. Package and present these materials in a neat and organzied manner. When helpful, provide a written narrative to describe the material, what it was used for and how it demonstrates your capabilities. This section might be divided into "Teacher Tools" and "Student Products." The evidence should include, but is not limited to:
Assembly Most teachers use three ring binders for their portfolios with page protectors to hold their pages. Different sections of your portfolio should be defined and divided. Some sample Portfolio dividers at abcteach.com can be downloaded or create your own. |
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