During Summer 1999, TangiTech Institutes were held all over Tangipahoa Parish. Danny Williams conducted two high school sessions at Ponchatoula High with 23 ninth through twelfth grade teachers attending. Jake Ragusa, Mary McMahan, Smithie Cooper and Dee Potasnik held two junior high sessions at West Side Middle School in Amite with 21 fifth through eighth middle school teachers attending. Vicki Blackwell conducted three elementary sessions at D.C. Reeves Elementary with 70 Kindergarten through fourth grade teachers attending.
Tangipahoa Parish teachers participated in five days of intensive technology training. The emphasis during these sessions was not only techology skills but the integration of these skills into the curriculum to help technology become one more strategy for effective teaching and learning.
Some teachers were asked to write two to three sentences about their TangiTech workshop. Kim Zabbia from Ponchatoula High had the following comments about TangiTech.
"Agh!!!! (1) I couldn't go to sleep for two days afterward because my mental capacities were so drained that the function for "go to sleep" was in default.
(2) When I did get to sleep, my dreams were filled with Custom Animation and Slide Transitions.
(3) During my waking hours, I heard myself saying things like, "Insert peanut butter from file jar to bread."
(4) And, lastly, I knew I was addicted when I asked my daughter if she was sure she wanted to delete the kitchen garbage.
Needless to say, I soaked up everything I possibly could and I can't wait for Day 6 and Day 7.
Kim Zabbia
Congratulations go out to 46 Tangipahoa Parish Teachers who were awarded Louisiana LEARN Individual Teacher subgrants in September. Each of these teachers received $1000 of materials and equipment for their classrooms. This is the first round of awards, with more expected at the end of October.
Those awarded are as follows:
Amite Elementary- Kindergarten Group - Nora Burch, Nancy Campo, Sharon Hicks, Becky Lawson, Kathy Schilling, Dina Spears.
Champ Cooper- Tia Giglio
Chesbrough Elementary - Altarene Brown, Paula Splane.
Crystal Academy - Stan Salassi
D.C. Reeves Elementary School -
Melissa Hebert, Kathy Prine, Shannan Reis, Kristi Simmons, Dorothy Sledge, Lisa Strahan, Margaret Tucker, Vickie Welch.
Hammond Eastside Upper - Ann Dwelle, Sally Klein, Amy Russell, Melissa Ryan.
Hammond Junior High - Georgia Barras
Hammond Westside Primary - Stephanie Evans, Sandra Holley.
Independence Middle School - Linda Morgan, Mary McMahan.
Kentwood Elemenatary - Janet Strickland
Loranger Elementary School - Tonya Martin, Melissa Stilley.
Loranger High - Jane Terrase, Gloria Vinyard.
Ponchatoula High - Steve Grigas
Ponchatoula Jr. High - Joann Sellers/Stan Laroux
SLU Lab School - Heidi Rhea
Spring Creek Elementary - DeRoxolyn Hall
Sumner High - James Lewis, Carrie Pugh
Tucker Elementary - Amber Gardner, Jeanette Gregoire, Denise Grigas, Monica Hutson, Anita Johnson, Becky Roberts, Melanie Sanchez, Christie Thomasson, Cathy Tricou, Carla VanVrancken, Jean Veasey, Kristy Williams. |
Jake Ragusa, TPSS Instructional Technology Coordinator, has announced that After-School Technology Training classes will be held at three training sites this school year. D.C. Reeves Elementary in Ponchatoula, Independence Middle School, and West Side Middle School in Amite will host classes every Monday through Thursday afternoon from 3:45 to 5:45 p.m. All Tangipahoa Parish Schools should have the schedule of classes posted and employees should register by emailing at or faxing her at 386-9620.
Some of the things that these sessions will cover are: Windows 1 and 2; MS Word; MS Excel; MS PowerPoint 1 and 2; Internet 1 and 2; Peripherals 1 and 2; Graph Club; Kid Pix 1 and 2; and Ultimate Writing and Creativity Center; Web Page Design will begin second semester.