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A Newsletter for the Tangipahoa Parish School System

?December 1998

??Third Edition...



Sixty five teachers applied for the Tangipahoa Teacher Technology Grants in November. The Classroom Based Technology Grant funded twenty five of these teacher technology workstations. Each teacher will receive a computer, printer, scanner, digital camera, TV, VCR, scan converter, and cart for their classroom. Those receiving awards are:
Amite High - Joan Koepp
Hammond High
Pat Bender and Sheryl Morales Independence Elementary
Janet Wade
Loranger Elementary - Tonya Martin and Melissa Skinner
Loranger High
Chanda Rigby and Jane Terrase
Midway Elementary
Karen Marsalis, Bonnie Ezell, Wanda Rougeau, and Therese Duvall Ponchatoula High
Kim Zabbia, Steve Grigas, Alice Dubois
Spring Creek Elementary
Pat DeBlanc, Diane Strickland,
Fairba Cade
Sumner High
Lynn Vance, Bill Lambert, Nancy Stokes, and Lauri Girgenti
Tucker Elementary
Denise Grigas, Anita Johnson, and Amber Gardner
Congratulations go out to all of these lucky teachers and their students



Congratulations go out to 16 more Tangipahoa Parish Teachers who were awarded Louisiana LEARN Individual Teacher subgrants in October. Each of these teachers received $1000 of materials and equipment for their classrooms. This brings the Tangipahoa Parish total to 30 teachers receiving LEARN grants.

Those awarded are as follows:
D.C. Reeves Elementary School -
Avery Avent, Liz Christensen, Joyce Fogleman, Ashley Hebert, Angel King, Annette LeBell, Rhonda Lobell, Terri Pieper, Shannan Reis, Dorothy Sledge, Patti Steib, Nancy Vega, and Vickie Welch.
Hammond Eastside Primary School - Cynthia Welborn
Independence Middle School -
Anita Joiner
Loranger Elementary School -
Melissa Skinner

Jake Ragusa - Instructional Technology Coordinator

We are nearing the end of the first half of the school year. A great deal of work has been accomplished, but there is so much left to do. Since we have just celebrated Thanksgiving, let me offer thanks to some of those who have been such a great help this year. For their support, I want to thank Mr. Virgil Allen, Mrs. Marj Morgan, Dr. Beth Moulds, Robert Morgan, Vicki Allen, all the principals and the Title I staff. I would also like to thank Vicki Blackwell, Linda Whitworth, Scott Diepenbrock, and Carl Head for being a joy to work with. Most importantly, I want to thank the teachers who have responded so enthusiastically. I was extremely pleased with the number and quality of the teacher grant applications submitted. I expect many of our students to benefit from these extra efforts by their teachers. Lastly, I thank God for the real reason for this season --his son, Jesus. I hope and pray that our efforts to help His children will ultimately be successful.

?Page Two...


Education World
Offers lots of lesson-planning and curriculum resources. Information ranges from outrageous women in history to Dr. Seuss celebrates reading. In addition to a huge education-oriented search engine, theres a message board and a searchable database of 50,000 web sites of interest to teachers.

Help keep your students on top of current events with CNNs site. Get news summaries with Quick News feature or top news stories from the past Archives. View news clips in the Video Vaults or listen to live news broadcasts. Available in Spanish, too.

Vicki Blackwells Internet Guide for Educators
The purpose of this website is to provide a resource for the teachers of Tangipahoa Parish School System as they begin to incorporate the use of technology into the curriculum. You will find favorite links in the "Blackwell's Best" section, the latest "Bits and Bytes" newsletter, and a listing of staff development activities on the "Upcoming Events" page. The "Tech Tips" page includes hints to help you become a more efficient technology-using educator, and the "Schools Online" page has featured happenings in technology in our parish and links to individual schoolpages.
http://www. i-55.com/~vickib


To change the font for labels in Microsoft Word...
1. Choose Tools + Envelopes and Labels.
2. If Word hasn't already selected the
correct label address, type it yourself. 3. Select your label text.
4. Right-click your label text and choose Font.
5. In the Font dialog box, select the font and any other attributes you want to use for your label and click OK.
6. Continue creating your labels.


UNISYS is in the process of wiring and configuring the wide area network for the Tangipahoa Parish School System. Hopefully the lines will be fully functional when school resumes in January.
The School System did receive E-Rate funding which will enable all schools and classrooms to eventually be included in the wide area network.

The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn. Alvin Toffler

Imagination is more important than knowledge. Albert Einstein

? If you have something you would like to add to this newsletter please email me at ...




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