Accelerated Reader programs in Tangipahoa Parish Schools are experiencing exciting possibilities. Librarians and AR coordinators can download TechTips for AR, by right clicking on one of the links below, left click on "save target as", then save the download to your computer before you open it. | ||
Accelerated Reader Universal Version 6.3 is in all schools with grades 1-8 and some High Schools. These schools also received the StoryTown Reading Series quizzes for the basal and trade books that go along with the series. Click the link below to assign StoryTown AR Quizzes to your students. | ||
If you need to install AR on your school computer within the TPSS network, click this link then click the AR installation link at the top of the page and your AR installation will begin.
Step-by-step Directions for Installing Accelerated Reader in TPSS can be found here. |
To map a drive from your classroom computer to the AR database at your school follow these directions:
To set the Data Location on your computer for AR in the TPSS network, follow these steps:
Beginning of the Year Tasks | AR Troubleshooting Tips | |
Contact with ??? about AR in TPSS |
StoryTown AR Quizzes - assign to classes | |
In the HEU library during the 2002-2003 school year, Ms. Basford has created an Accelerated Reader mountain for the students to "climb." Each student has set a goal for themselves to read books, take the accompanying AR quiz and pass that comprehension test to be able to earn a certain number of points this school year. As students reach a certain percentage of their AR goal, their name is moved towards the mountaintop and they receive special awards like those you see above. Congratulations to Ms. Basford and all the HEU students for climbing that AR mountain and achieving success. | ||
During the 2003-2004 school year, Mrs. Lian Basford, Hammond Eastside Upper's Librarian kicks off the Accelerated Reader program by riding into the school's assembly on a Harley Davidson. Students receive a key chain on which they collect dogtag awards for reaching certain levels of their AR goal. A racetrack encircles the library and students' racecars move around the track as they make progress in Accelerated Reader. There are pitstops along the racetrack, in which students can get special treats and rewards on their way to the winner's circle. Ms. Basford reports that as of December 15, 2003, one HEU student has circled the racetrack three times!!! |
Renaissance Learning which produces Accelerated Reader has "helped teachers motivate students to dramatically increase literature-based reading practice. What's more, the software provides teachers with detailed and objective instructional data to take the guesswork and paperwork out of assuring success for every student." | ||
This page will host a variety of ideas that will help you to make your Accelerated Reading Program an exciting event for the students of Tangipahoa Parish School System. Please with your own ideas to share with your fellow educators. | ||
"We're a BUZZ about Reading" - principal gets his head buzzed. "Dive into Reading" - See a group of teachers dive into a baby pool. "Racing to the Top with AR" - A huge mountain is displayed in the cafeteria and students raced their bicycles around the hallways on tracks. As they reached their yearly goal, their bike was moved to the cafeteria and they began again with a "special" bike ride. A schoolwide theme of Elvis can be used. As students reach their yearly grade level goals, a record is made for them and placed on an honor wall in the cafeteria. If the entire school reaches its goal the principal dresses up like Elvis and performs. "N'Sync with Reading" - see a group of teachers dress up and performing. AR Photo Gallery - Take digital pictures of students who have reached predetermined goals of either AR Points or Certification Levels. Display these Photos in the AR Photo Gallery. |
Grow a BookStalk - create a stalk using green butcher paper or white paper that has been colored or painted green. Put this in the corner of your space, possibly even next to your reading area or bookshelves. Create “leaves” that are large enough for a child to write the title and author of a book on it. For each book they read, or have read to them, they will be able to add one leaf to the stalk. Or let them put up one leaf for every AR point they earn...Watch as your “bookstalk” grows up and up and out with leaves! Accelerated Reading time is called "WAR" (We All Read). So the theme for kickoff day for the school year was army because the students are declaring WAR on reading! Everybody wears army stuff to school. Have "K" rations for lunch. All students and teachers line up outside on the playground spelling WAR with their bodies and have local news stations cover the event. The newstation helicopter take pictures from the air. The local news personality gives a motivational talk and all the students do all day is READ. Each teacher selects a picture book to read aloud and prepares props or costumes to go with it. The students then rotate from classroom to classroom to have other teachers "perform" for them. |
Order "fun junk" from Oriental Trading Company for prizes or Barnes and Nobles gift certificates for top readers in each grade level. Parent volunteers set up the AR store where students can redeem their accumulated points for different prizes. Students earn an AR buck for every 5 points. Then use their AR bucks to "buy" things at the store. Bounties on Books - When you have a challenge getting your students to read the more difficult books like the classics put special bounties on these books. Post a list in your classroom and any child who reads two or more of the books on this list during a designated time will receive a special prize that cannot be earned in any other way. Schoolwide Goals - A yearly goal for the entire school should be set. Each increment towards meeting that goal should be a milestone. Plan special events such as: declare baseball cap day; college dress-up day, a school-wide movie; a 50's or 60's day; a dance; an hour of free time for socializing or recess. These major accomplishments should be celebrated with special incentives. The Accelerated Reader T-shirt Gang - Students who reach 100 points per year (for elementary students) or possibly 250 points per year (for older students) receives an Accelerated Reading T-shirt. Everyone likes to be identified with a group of some kind and this is a positive "gang" for kids to belong to. Once a large number of students have earned theT-shirt, an "AR T-shirt Day" should be announced each six weeks period. This will allow all students who have them to wear them proudly as the "AR gang." |
Principal Incentives - Principal sits in a bathtub filled with whipped cream or Jell-O if the school reaches its goal. Principal kisses a pig, or wears roller blades all day, or lets every child in the school throw a water balloon at their teacher. List of Possible Incentives AR Bumper Stickers for parents proudly display; Point club buttons; End-of-year reading carnival where students can spend their points; free passes to high school athletic events; tanks of gas; movies passes; bookmarks; announcements; books; rides in a limo; pizza parties; names in the paper; special privileges like principal for a day; introduced at half time of a sporting event; personalized letter to Parents on School Letterhead from the Principal; Celebrate 100 Points - As students really get into the AR program, increments of 100 points seem to be very important to them. Teachers and administrators should share this enthusiasm and make these milestones special for their students. Pass the Trophy - Purchase a great big Reading Trophy for your school. The team that accumulates the most AR points during a designated period or shows the greatest improvement gets to keep the trophy. Then issue a challenge over the intercom each week for another team to try to seize the trophy from the class that has it. Standard of Excellence - Your school should consider establishing a standard of excellence that all students should shoot for before leaving the campus. This might be an accumulation of 350 points over the four years that they are at your school; Make the standard a gal that all students can meet- even if a few need extra tutoring or reading practice time to achievce it. |
Use plastic frames (like the ones used at diners to promote daily lunch specials, etc.) and enclose student written "Book Promotions" and put these out on the lunch tables in the cafeteria. These should rotate weekly. |
Book Discussions and Displays of "Featured AR Books of the Week or Month will help to motivate your students to read. Read the First Few Chapters Aloud - One of the most effective ways to motivate students to read a book is to read the first few chapters to them. |
This page was last updated on Thursday, October 16, 2008. |