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Teacher Templates
Teacher at Computer
button Creating and customizing templates using Microsoft Office Templates on your computer.
  • Click "File" then "New" and choose a Template from one of the tabbed sections. (Memo and Fax templates are two that teachers like to personalize.)
  • Customize the template for your needs and then Save. Rename it with a personalized name ... for example "Vickimemo" is the name of my memo template that has my information in it.
  • Save as a Document Template by clicking the down-pointing arrow in the "Save As Type" box and clicking document template (.dot file extension)
  • When you do this, the computer will automatically open the Office Template folder on your computer and save it in that area. From now on, when you click "File" then "New" your personalized template will appear in the list for you to choose from.
  • Understanding the "Normal template in Microsoft Word"
  • Where are Office Templates automatically saved on your computer hard drive?????

button Microsoft Office Template Gallery - let's explore some templates online that we can use in our classroom.
button Microsoft Teacher Tools - let's download and install a wealth of classroom tools available for Administrators, Students and Teachers.


button The words Printables and Templates are very similar to teachers looking to make their lives a little easier. Click here to find a list of Printables you might be interested in.

button You can make a template file "Read-Only" so that your students can't save over it. To do that follow these directions:
  • Find the name of the file in "My Documents" or wherever you have saved it and right-click on it... then left click on "Properties.

  • Go to the bottom of the next window and click to put a checkmark in front of "Read Only" and click "OK"



string around finger to rememberRemember string around finger to remember

Remember... the best way to download any of the files on these pages is to right click on the link, then choose "Save Target As." Now decide where on your computer you want to save the file, and then click "Save." AFTER you have saved it to your computer, then double click to open the file. You must have the program that the file is made in to be able to open it. For example, if it is the Publisher file, you must have Publisher on your computer.

button Kim Hunt from Frisco, Texas has a fabulous webpage full of MS Publisher templates that can be used for all kinds of projects... creative writing stories, reports, greeting cards and much much more. The four and eight page booklets are perfect to use in the classroom. Check them out!!
buttonLet's learn about some different kinds of templates
by clicking on one of the categories below.
PowerPoint Templates
button Classroom Forms buttonClassroom Forms and Testing by Jill Perkins
button Classroom Materials Makers buttonPrintables at AtoZ Teacher Stuff
buttonProject Based Learning Checklists buttonSchool Forms
buttonTeacher Tools - Forms and Letters buttonTeacher Tools and Templates from Education World
buttonTeaching Extras at abcteach.com buttonTemplates by Donovan
button Templates for Success buttonTemplates for Teachers - Education World
buttonTemplates and Resources at GETRC button



When TPSS teachers login to the network, you can double click "My Computer" and find three important drives that you can save to. We will talk about using those in the Template for Teachers class.


Teacher Templates | PowerPoint Templates | Word Templates | Glyph Templates
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This page was last updated on Wednesday, January 31, 2024.