Step Books - to this non-technology, but oh-so effective teaching and learning tool. Flip Flap Books - to this non-technology but oh-so effective teaching and learning tool.
Fact Flipper Books- Click here to find step by step directions for creating Fact Flipper Books in PowerPoint. Accordion Books - for ladybug writing paper or the digital pages.
Fan Books - (PPT) the fan book template. Students insert graphics and text boxes about the topic of study, print, cut out and connect together with a brad. Tall Tale Books - Click here to find step by step directions for creating Tall Tale Books in MS Word.
Lincoln Books - (PPT) to type Lincoln facts / research / creative writing. Then fold and cut and decorate the front. Shirt Books - for a great way to publish stories you've either done in a word processor or written by hand.

Poof Book - to make this book for kids to write and illustrate by hand - or - find the PowerPoint template to do a digital Poof Book.

- . Students decorate the outside of Cluebox with graphics and facts/questions about their subject. Use a word processor to write questions or clues, cut apart, put inside Cluebox and then exchange Cluebox with learning partner to review facts. C

Believe - Christmas Wish List Book
- Use this on the cover and to have students make their Christmas list. Don't forget to encourage the kids to include peace, and happiness as well as the latest Barbie doll or Transformer.

Christmas Present Book
- Take a 12"x18" sheet of construction paper and fold like an accordion into four sections. Use to paste on four inside pages. Decorate front with gift wrap paper, ribbon, bow, and name tag.
Slit Books - to this non-technology but oh-so effective teaching and learning tool. Peek-Over Books - Click to find 16 PPT templates and directions for creating these great books.

House of... Book
- Click here to download the or the to fill with clip art or pictures. Then print and assemble the house. Students do their creative writing in Word or Kidspiration Writing View and paste to the inside of their House Book.
TV Time - Students write and illustrate story with at least four different pages in KidPix. Pull the slides into Slide Show and print using Comic Strip option (6 slides per page). Cut and paste the slides into a one long strip. Use the for the display device and cut two slits 2 3/4" long in the TV screen. Slide the KidPix story strip through the TV while reading the story.
Circle Book - . Cut out and put together with a brad. Shape Books - to find 25 Word templates for Shape Books that you can download. Students just click and type their story inside the shape.
Dynamic Dictionary - for this dictionary. Students can use the template for vocabulary, spelling words, or content area vocabulary. Pop-Up Book - for this versatile book. Each student creates one Pop-Up Book page and then glue the bottoms to the tops and make a fantastic class book.
Recipe for Friendship Book - Read it to the students and have them use the template to write their own minibook, A Recipe for Friendship. Stars Twinkle Book - There is a cover and three different star border pages for the students to chose from to write their stories.
Notepad Books - Use colored shaped notepads glued to construction paper to help provide the color or theme for the book. Students use word processor to type text for story and then scissors to cut and glue to paste text into book. Pattern Writing with songs - Students use lyrics from a familiar song to do pattern writing for a creative writing activity. Publish using clip art and word processor.
Writing Paper Templates- These can be used to make class books or single pages for creative writing or research projects. Pattern Writing Books- Using the pattern from Brown Bear by Bill Martin, Jr., to have students write holiday stories for Christmas and St. Patrick's Day and use these holiday templates for books.
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PowerPoint Books - to find some ideas of making books in PowerPoint.

Handmade Books Lesson Plan Joan Irvine: How to Make a Pop-up
Kim Hunt TeacherWeb Book Templates Making Books with Children - Free Projects
Mini Books by Marilyn Western Shapebooks
Write a Tiny Story

Many of these ideas are adapted from Read! Write! and Publish! Making Books in the Classroom, written by Barbara Fairfax, Adela Garcia. Published by Creative Teaching Press., 1992. Graphics were purchased from

This page was last updated on Sunday, February 24, 2024.
