idea is from 50 Quick and Easy Computer
Activities for Kids by Tammy Worcester,
published by
Visions Technology.
After reading and
studying Tall Tales, have the students write their
own Tall Tale in Microsoft Word. Change the size of
the font so that the document is at least one page
Format the
document by clicking "File" > "Page Setup"
Under the
"Margin" tab set all the margins to .5"
Select the text
by clicking "Edit" > "Select All"
Click "Format" on
the top menu bar and then "Columns" and choose
three columns.
Now click "File"
> "Save"
Cut the columns
of your Tall Tale apart and tape them together,
trimming them so that they are all the same
Draw a top and
bottom to glue to your Tall Tale and you are
ready to display.