This idea is from 50 Quick and Easy Computer Activities for Kids by Tammy Worcester, published by Visions Technology.
The Fact Flipper gives students a great way to publish facts and research on any given topic. The Fact Flipper is a PowerPoint presentation with six question slides and six answer slides, printed in handouts six per page. The first six slides on page one are the question slides and when they print, students cut around the two sides and bottom of each slide to form a flap. That page is then glued on top of page two which has the six answer slides. The student is then able to read the question and lift the flap to find the answer.
  1. Students do research on their topic and compose five questions and answers.
  2. Open a blank PowerPoint presentation
  3. Choose "Title Only" slide layout
  4. Slide One - Click and type in the Title and instructions for your fact flipper
  5. Click on the striped text box border (not the handlebars) and drag your text box down to the middle of the slide
  6. Insert > New Slide > Choose "Title Only" slide layout for Slide Two
  7. Click and type in your question
  8. Click on the striped text box border (not the handlebars) and drag your text box down to the middle of the slide
  9. Repeat steps 6,7,8 for remainder of slides.
  10. Slide Three is a question
  11. Slide Four is a question
  12. Slide Five is a question
  13. Slide Six is a question
  14. Slide Seven should have the students name, date, class, etc.
  15. Slide Eight is the answer to Slide Two
  16. Slide Nine is the answer to Slide Three
  17. Slide Ten is the answer to Slide Four
  18. Slide Eleven is the answer to Slide Five
  19. Slide Twelve is the answer to Slide Six.
  20. Students should add images wherever they want by clicking "Insert" > "Picture" > from File or Clipart
  21. Save the Fact Flipper
  22. Print as Handouts - Six Slides per page.
  23. Page One - cut a slit on the two sides and bottom of each slide to create a flap and then glue Page One on top of Page Two.

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