Accelerated Reader

Renaissance Learning - AR Vicki Blackwell's AR Page
Webquests with AR books
Oriental Trading Merchandise for prizes for points Printables for AR awards, prizes, incentives, bulletin boards, activities
Make an AR Award Children's Literature Links
WebQuest for The Mitten and other AR books Scavenger Hunts with AR books
TeacherViews at EduPlace
Internet Coach Puzzle Center
Kidspiration software program can be used by students to create correlations between the AR books they read and LA Content Standards and Benchmarks. In this Kidspiration activity, students classify parts of speech using vocabulary words from The Story of Babar by Jean De Brunhoff. This classic is an AR book level 3.9 and worth 0.5 points.
Babar Kidspiration activity
AR & Pattern Writing
Kid Pix 3 is one of the best software programs available to allow computer users to produce projects and presentations of all kinds. It's versatility and ease of use makes it one of the most valuable tools for teachers and students. Pattern writing using AR books is an excellent project for students of all ages. The pattern from Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? and Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? was used along with George Rodrigue's Blue Dog to create the Blue Dog Book.
Blue Dog Kid Pix slide
Other AR books to use with Pattern Writing are:
L is for Louisiana by Cecelia Dartez The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown
Fortunately A My Name is Alice
That's Good ! That's Bad by Margery Cuyler - AR BL 2.3 and Points 0.5 It Didn't Frighten Me

Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown is an AR book (level 4.0 - 1.0 point) that has it's own website and is an excellent online project for kids all over the world. What a great technology extension to go with this AR book.
Flat Stanley
Scanner Book Reports

After reading their AR book, students collect things that can be arranged in an artistic way to depict the story. Anything that will fit on the bed of a scanner can be used. Once the Scanner Book Report is complete student should present it to the class explaining the significance of each piece and how it relates to the book. For details on completing Scanner Collages click here.

Scanner collage

Author Studies

An Author Study is another great way to encourage students to read. The possibilities for Author Study projects are endless.

Click here for some links to children's authors.

Children's Authors and Illustrators from Kennesaw State University is a fabulous resource for teachers preparing Author Studies.

Some of our favorite Author Studies are:

Jan Brett Dr. Seuss
Eric Carle Author! Author!
Hanging with Arthur
Let's Make Books
Step Book Accordion Book Slit Book
Pop-Up Book Poof Book Fact Wallet
Fold Fold Book Fan Book Shirt Book
Shape Books Flip Flap Book Literature Pockets
Mystery Puzzle Boxes

This page was last updated on Thursday, August 05, 2024.