For a very complete list of Famous February Birthdays click here.


February is Black History Month, Library Lovers Month, Bird Feeding Month, Friendship Month, Grapefruit Month, Snack Food Month, Dental Health Month, National Cherry Month, American Heart Month.
February Fun at Education World
 February at Enchanted Learning
 February at PreSchool Express
 AOK Teacher Stuff February
Fact Monster Daily Feature gives loads of information about each day.
February ideas at Kinderart
February Facts Internet Hunt
February at AtoZ Kids Stuff
February at Teacher's Corner
February at Surfing the Net with Kids
February calendar at Read, Write, and Think
February 1 - Black History Month

February 2

- Groundhog Day
- Judith Viorst's birthday (1931)

February 3

- Elizabeth Blackwell's birthday (1821)
- Norman Rockwell's birthday (1824)
- James Michener's birthday (1907)

February 4

- Charles Lindbergh's birthday (1902)
- Rosa Parks' birthday (1913)
- Russell Hoban's birthday (1925)

February 5

- Henry "Hank" Aaron's birthday (1934)
- National Weatherman/Weatherwoman Day
- SuperBowl XLVI

February 6

- George Herman "Babe" Ruth's birthday (1895)
- Ronald Reagan's birthday (1911)

February 7

- Laura Ingalls Wilder's birthday (1867-1957)
- Charles Dickens' birthday (1812-1870)
- Frederick Douglass' birthday (1817)

February 8

- Jules Verne's birthday (1828)
- Boy Scout's Day

February 11

- National Inventor's Day
- Thomas Alva Edison's birthday (1847)
- Jane Yolen's birthday (1939)

February 12

- Abraham Lincoln's birthday (1809)
- Judy Bloome's birthday (1938)
- International Pancake Day
February 13 - First public school established (1635)

February 14

- Valentine's Day
-Anniversary of ENIAC (1946)

February 15

- Susan B. Anthony's birthday (1820)
- Norman Bridwell's birthday (1928)
- Galileo's birthday (1564)
February 17 - Michael Jordan's birthday (1963)
February 19 - President's day 2007
February 20

- President George Washington signs an act that creates the U.S. Post Office (1792)
- Mardi Gras "Fat Tuesday" 2007

February 21

- Washington Monument was dedicated in Washington, D.C (1885)
- Mardi Gras 2012

February 22

- George Washington's birthday (1732)
-Frederic Chopi's birthday (1810)

February 23

- Tennis Day
- Lewis & Clark Expedition began in 1803
February 24 - Wilhelm Karl Grimm's birthday (1786-1859)
February 25 - Pierre Auguste Renoir's birthday (1841)

February 26

- Levi Strauss' birthday (1829) the man who invented blue jeans. Learn all about blue jeans were invented and the history of denim.
- Grand Canyon National Park established in 1919
February 27 - Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's birthday (1807)
- John Steinbeck's birthday (1902)
It's always good to remember that:

Thirty days hath September,
April, June, and November,
All the rest have thirty-one,
Excepting February alone
Which hath but twenty-eight, in fine,
Till leap year gives it twenty-nine.

On This Day from the New York Times Learning Network will give you facts about what happened each day in history.

This Day in History @ History Channel

This page was last updated on Tuesday, February 14, 2024.