Lewis and Clark's Trail Cyber Hunt at Scholastic.com
On February 28, 1803, President Thomas Jefferson got approval from Congress to send Meriwether Lewis, William Clark, and a team of 31 others to explore the American West.
Start your expedition at http://teacher.scholastic.com/products/instructor/lewisandclark.htm
Print the page to record your answers then get to work.
Mapping the Journey - As they explored the vast lands of the West, Lewis and Clark had no maps to guide them; they had to develop their own as they traveled. View some of these at PBS Online - Lewis & Clark then go to Lewis & Clark 200 to print a modern map. Trace the route, pausing at points along the trail to talk about conditions the expedition might have faced at each location. Choose a point or region along the trail and research an important event that happened there. Present a report on your findings and attach a map with the selected region highlighted. Visit other sites for more information
Lewis and Clark Expedition
Lewis and Clark Bicentennial
Peabody Museum - Lewis and Clark
Join the Corps - Imagine what being part of the expedition might have been like on a day-to-day basis. Now choose someone in the Corps of Discovery and write fictional diary entries from that person's point of view. Use your imagination to describe what your Corps member might have seen, done, or felt on a given day. Did they experience fear? bravery? uncertainty? exhaustion? You can choose members of the army crew, civilians such as York or Sacagawea - or even Seaman the dog! Don't forget about things like age, rank and experience. Do your research at ...
PBS - Lewis and Clark Inside the Corps
Corps of Discovery Profiles
Flora and Fauna- Since Lewis and Clark had no cameras, they recorded everything they saw along their journey with sketches and detailed journal entries. Visit some of the sites below to read some of these entries and find out about the natural history of the flora and fauna found on the expedition. Now choose a mammal or bird - from where Lewis and Clark explored or from the vicinity of your school - and sketch it on graph paper using colored pencils. Pay special attention to the scale of your drawings. Now write a letter to President Jefferson - who has never before seen the creatures - describing what you have found. Exchange letters with your classmates and try to guess the creatures' identities from the descriptions written.
Discovering Lewis and Clark
Birds and Mammals Observed by Lewis and Clark in North Dakota
Lewis and Clark - Plants and Animals Saving America's Treasures - Lewis and Clark In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark Lewis and Clark's Garden
Speaking the Language- To reinforce some of the challenges Lewis and Clark faced while traveling through unknown lands, try communicating in new and different ways with your classmates. Make a list of the phrases that you think you would need when meeting new people, such as "Hello," "I come in peace," or "Help me!" Now get together with your learning team and devise a form of communication that you could use to express yourselves to someone who can't understand you ... or you can't understand them. Once your learning team has finished get together with the other learning teams in your class and try to identify what they are saying. Visit the Lakota hear it website to listen to one of the languages that Lewis and Clark heard while on their journey. Try to learn some words and then speak to your class and see if anyone can understand what you are trying to say.
Lewis & Clark Websites
Lewis & Clark in North Dakota |
Lewis & ClarkTrail |
Lewis & Clark 200 |
Corps of Discovery II |
Modern Day Lewis & Clark Journey
National Geographic - Lewis & Clark |
Thomas Jefferson and the Lewis & Clark Expedition |
PBS Online Lewis & Clark |
Lewis & Clark Scavenger Hunt
Lewis & Clark: The Journey West
Lewis & Clark on the Information Highway |
Lewis & Clark National Historic Trail |
Activities from Instructor - November/December, 2002.