Electronic Chalkboard - Make sure that you read everything each morning to find out procedures, assignments and announcements for the day. Every day we will have morning activities/bell ringers like we did in TangiTech #1 and #2. Click on the morning activity to go to the explanation in the list below.

Journal | Email Assignment | Question of the Day | Where in the World...?
Map Game

Journal - On your TTSS CD in the Journal Template folder, you have two new journal templates. You may use either one for your journal response each morning. The Journal Question for today is "For homework last night, you read an article "Can Generation M Learn Its ABCs?" by Steven W. Simpson. Give your reaction to the statistics and this report's impact on the teaching and learning process in your classroom?" Save in your folder as "Day Three journal" and print two copies, file one in the project box on the back table.
Something to Think About - "Pay Attention"


E-Mail Assignment -
 Each day you need to check your Tangischools e-mail account and complete the assignment. Reply to me at

Question of the Day - On the back door of the lab you will find the Question of the Day with stickies underneath to record your answers." Which countries and bodies of water border Italy. Write whether the bodies of water and the countries are North, South, East, or West of Italy."

Where in the World...? - Volume 3 - Ten questions should be completed together with your Learning Team. Today you need to also find the country and the latitude and longitude of the landmark. You may use the paper atlases on top of your computer or any online resource you can find. Don't forget about the Maps and Geography webpage and the Stately Knowledge webpage. We will use the "Numbered Heads Together" Kagan structure to check answers.

Blabberize - Use this Web 2.0 tool to give reports, publish writing, teach skills, etc.


Map Game for the Day - Practice the 50 states and their locations at this website - click on the US Jigsaw Map Game at Maps.com Online Map Games 
There are lots of other Map Games at this website... try out some of the others if you have time.

SMARTBoard Activities - Review vocabulary and monuments using these activities.
- Tunnel
- Paint Can

Literature and Geography - Click here for a list of books that correlate with your Geography/Social Studies curriculum.

State the State Fact Flipper - Use PowerPoint to create Fact Flippers with states and important facts about those states. Click here for directions for creating Fact Flippers... and click here for an example of this project.

Geography and Music - Use Windows Media Player 10 to rip songs from a music CD and convert to .wma or .mp3 files that can be used in technology projects. Examine the collection of songs with states, cities, countries, landmarks, landforms, etc. Pick a song, listen carefully, find out what lyrics refer to geography. Do some research on that place and create a PowerPoint presentation. Use the song as your background music for the slide show. Thanks to Mike Diaz for the collection of music for this activity.

GPS Hunt for your Traveling Tunes CD - Shoulder partners will take two Traveling Tunes CD outside and set a Waypoint on the GPS Unit of where they are hiding the CDs... Learning Teams will meet back together at a starting point and take off to hunt for the Traveling Tunes CD... Shoulder partners will follow each other, just in case your Learning Partners need some help.  Don't hide them too hard, remember the GPS units are accurate within 20-30 feet.  BE KIND!

Pack Your Suitcase for a National Park - Take a look at the list of National Parks in the United States and choose one to research. Use www.nps.gov and other resources to get information to pack your suitcase with. Use the Ellison suitcase die cut and a file folder to make the suitcase. Click here to download a file of travel stickers for the outside of your suitcase. Make your suitcase "pop open" with facts about a National Park and use this template. Take a look at the Suitcase going to Glacier National Park.

Where in the World is Mrs. Waffenschmidt? - pdf files on your TangiTech Social Studies CD come from this site at Education World.


Flip Flap Foldable Booklets - Use the list of landforms and their descriptions to make your flip flap foldable book. Thanks to Krystle Fedele for this template.

Riddle Booklets - Pick a Famous Place around the World and then use Google Earth to find the latitude and longitude of that place. You will also need four or five facts about the Famous place so that you can create your Riddle Booklet. Click here to download the template. (ppt)

TangiSchools ftp site - All of the materials used in TangiTech Social Studies are on the ftp server in case you lose or damage your CDs. Click here for directions on using the ftp server.

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This page was last updated on Wednesday, April 15, 2009.