Virtual Tours The KidZone: Virtual Tours
Virtual Tours Virtual Tours and Field Trips
Get out of Class with Virtual Field Trips
Exploratorium Virtual Field Trips 
Virtual Hawaii Virtual Classroom Field Trips
Tower of London Virtual Tour Spotty's White House Tour
The Oops Virtual Field Trip Historical Tour of the White House
Virtual Tourist  The Nine Planets
Spanish Missions of CA Teaching with Historic Places
Take a Museum Field Trip Without Leaving Your Classroom The Fossil Hunter
Volcano World Virtual Field Trips 
Digital Field Trip to the Rainforest  Take a Virtual Trip to Antarctica
A Virtual Tour of Museums and Exhibits  Virtual Field Trips and Web Museums
Supreme Court Virtual Tour
Zoo Atlanta Tour Alcatraz
Origins Antarctica Geology Field Trips
The National Aviary
Yahoo: Science Museums and Exhibits  Explore the World Virtually with Education World

Virtual Field Trip on Paper
A Classroom Project

Learning partners or teams work together to create a "web site on paper" to take the place of a traditional research report. Students do their research and take notes using the Virtual Field Trip website as a jumping off place. The Internet is only one of the resources that the students are encouraged to use to complete their project. The teacher should give the students a list of requirements for the project. Once all of the research is done and the facts are organized for presentation, the students create a "Virtual Field Trip on Paper". Each sheet of art paper represents a web page complete with buttons and graphics. Each button on the home page has it's own page in the project. Students put their "Virtual Field Trip on Paper" into a book format for final presentation.

This page was last updated on Thursday, January 12, 2024