Perfect Poetry Scavenger Hunt


Directions:  Answer the following questions using the links provided.

1.  In the poem Someone's Toes Are in My Nose by Bruce Lansky whose toes are in the main character’s nose?


2.  According to Jack Prelutsky, what are the four steps to publish a poem?


3.  What are three suggestions to help with brainstorming?


4.  Name a poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.


5.  Who wrote the poem Hands?


6.  Go to the Rap Realm and write some rhythmic, rhyming raps.  Be sure to complete all of the activities on this site.


7.  Join Wordz R Wilde and write your own poem in Freestyle.  Be sure to complete all of the activities on this site.


8.  Join The Saurus and write wonderful Wonderwords that make your poems come alive.  Be sure to complete all of the activities on this site.


9.  Read the directions for writing an acrostic poem.  Write one using your name.


10. Read the directions for writing an autobiographical poem.  Write one about yourself.