St. Patrick's Pocket Man- Use a perfect square of paper to make the Leprechaun's body. It's best to use either construction paper or cover stock to make the Leprechaun sturdy enough to stand up and hold something. Follow the folding and cutting directions below. or better yet draw your own with construction paper and markers. You can also design and draw the Leprechaun's head and pot of gold using KidPix or the Paint Program on your computer. Now fill the pocket with gold coins with facts, vocabulary words, math problems, etc.

St. Patrick's Day Ideas from Denise....
Growing Shamrocks: Cut shamrock from terry cloth. Moisten shamrock. Sprinkle with alfalfa seed. Keep moist. Set in dark place. Allow several days for shamrock to grow. Set in sunlight for shamrock to turn green.

Shamrock Shake: Blend 1 banana, 2 cups lime sherbet, and 2 cups milk.

Pot o' Gold Rainbows: Materials needed: (per student) 1 graham cracker, 1 portion blue frosting, 1 mini Reese cup, 1 pack Skittles. Directions: Students spread frosting over graham cracker and place Skittles in the shape of a rainbow. Then place the Reese cup at the end of the rainbow.

Rainbow Toast
(If you like, you can read Mouse Paint by Ellen Stoll Walsh.)
For each color, take 1 tablespoon milk and 1/2 teaspoon sugar and mix it. This makes quite a few pieces of toast.
If you want to make lots of colors to practice making colors or if if you have more children or students, you will need to make more.
Place some of the milk mixture in small jars, glasses, small margarine containers, or other containers.
Repeat this 3 times.
Add red, yellow, and blue food coloring in containers.
It takes 1 drop to make each color.
Take a piece of white bread.
Paint the bread with some of the milk using a pastry brush or small paint brush.
Make sure not to paint it with too much milk or it will become soggy (if the child does do that, that is okay, since children love to explore).
Mix some of the red with some of the yellow and see what color it makes (orange).
Mix some of the yellow with the blue and see what color it makes (green).
Mix some of the blue with some of the red and see what color it makes (violet/purple).
Put the bread in the oven or a toaster oven.
Take it out when it is lightly brown.

Draw a Rainbow in One Swipe
Tape six different colored crayons in a straight line. Show your students how to draw a rainbow with one stroke.

Rainbow Pasta
Dye stringable pasta in batches of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple. Let your children use the pieces for activitiesuch as:
*Glue on white paper to make a rainbow.
*Sort and count the pasta pieces by color.
*Place or glue the pieces on matching colored paper.
Milk Rainbows
Provide every child with a shallow container of milk. Place a couple drops of different food coloring in the milk. Next have the child dip a toothpick into a little dish soap and then dip it into the milk. What happens? Try it again!
Rainbow Creations
Use water colors to paint on coffee filters to make rainbow creations.

Make Your Own Wordless Rainbow Book
Assemble 8 pieces of plain, white paper. Punch 3 holes in the side of the paper so you can attach them together with colored yarn or ribbon. Invite your child to draw a rainbow on the cover page.

Then ask your student to draw one curved line (like an arc of the rainbow) in a different color of the rainbow on each page. (Just a line or scribble of color is fine if your child cannot draw an arc.)

Make one line of color on each page in Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo (Dark Blue) and Violet (Purple). Look through some magazines, old greeting cards, junk mail, etc., to find pictures to represent each color. For example, a red car, a bottle of orange juice, a picture of a banana, etc.

Cut out the picutres and match them to the colors on each page of your rainbow book, and glue them on the page. "Read" the book with your child by turning the pages and talking about the colors and the pictures there.

Rainbow On a CD
In a room that has light, move a cd that you received in the mail for accessing the web. What do you see?

Salt Rock Shamrocks- They Rock!
This easy, fun craft is a favorite among the students. The prep is easy. In a big ziplock bag pre-color rock salt with a few drops of green liquid water color, or several drops of green food coloring, and a few teaspoons of rubbing alcohol. Thoroughly mix, then set out to dry on newspaper the night before.
Project: Have students cut out big shamrock shapes from green construction paper. Using a paintbrush, "Glue" the entire area of the shamrock, then add the colored rock salt. Once dry, the shamrocks have a really neat texture and look!

St. Patrick's Day Ideas from All the DAZE....
Coffee Filter Shamrock

Materials: coffee filter, 2 baby food jars, water, scissors, blue and yellow food coloring, q-tips

Instructions: Cut Coffee filter in the shape of a shamrock. Put water in two baby food jars. Add yellow food color in one jar and blue in the other. Give the children Q-tips and let them mix the colors on the coffee filter. You end up with a very interesting green Shamrock

101 St. Patrick's Day Greeting Cards
Activity Idea Place: St. Patrick's Day All the Daze - St. Patrick's Day
Billy Bear's St. Patrick's Day
A Bit of Blarney Black Dog's Catch the Leprechaun Game
Black Dog's St. Patrick's Day Fun Black Dog's St. Patrick's Day History
Blarney Castle, Ireland
DLTK's St. Patrick's Day Crafts for Kids Enchanted Learning - St. Patrick's Day
Enjoy St. Patrick's Day Family Fun: St. Patrick's Day Fun
Find the Snakes Games Five Green Shamrocks
Fruit Loops Rainbow FunSchool- St. Patrick's Day Trivia Quiz
Games and Outdoors - St. Patrick's Day Handprint Rainbow
Happy St. Patrick's Day Happy St. Patrick's Day Coloring Place Mat
History of St. Patrick's Day - History Channel Homework Pass: St. Patrick's Day
Ireland at Enchanted Learning Ireland E-Cards
Ireland Map/Quiz Printout
Ireland - World Factbook Wearin' o' the Green
Kids Domain - St. Patrick's Day Games and Activities Larry the Leprechaun
Little Giraffe - St. Patrick's Day
Leprechaun Trap The Luck of the Irish
Lucky Shamrock Origami Box Lucky You Homework Passes
Magic Stones March Ideas and Patterns
Marvelicious St. Patrick's Day Page Mrs. Beggs' Kindergarten March Activities
Paddymagic Photos of Ireland
Pot-O-Gold Hunt Potluck of the Irish
A Rainbow Game Rainbow Magnet
Rainbow Mobile Rainbow Mobiles
Rainbow Paper Craft Rainbow Streamers
Shamrock Crown Shamrock Hat
Shamrock Stationery St. Paddy's Day Fun - Mrs. McGowan's First Grade
St. Patrick's Day St. Patrick's Day
St. Patrick's Day Activities and Games
St. Patrick's Day Activities at St. Patrick's Day at
St. Patrick's Day at Alphabet Soup St. Patrick's Day at
St. Patrick's Day at Education World St. Patrick's Day at
St. Patrick's Day at Gigglepotz St. Patrick's Day at Holiday Zone
St. Patrick's Day at Kids Domain St. Patrick's Day at
St. Patrick's Day at Primary Games St. Patrick's Day at
St. Patrick's Day at TeacherView St. Patrick's Day at Teachnology
St. Patrick's Day Clip Art St. Patrick's Day Coloring Pages
St. Patrick's Day Coloring Sheets at St. Patrick's Day Crafts
St. Patrick's Day Crafts St. Patrick's Day Crafts and Activities for Kids
St. Patrick's Day Craft Ideas St. Patrick's Customs & History
St. Patrick's Day Fun
St. Patrick's Day Game St. Patrick's Day Games
St. Patrick's Day Greeting Cards
St. Patrick's Day Greeting Cards St. Patrick's Day History
St. Patrick's Day Links
St. Patrick's Day, March 17 St. Patrick's Day Music & Songs
St. Patrick's Day Nameplates
St. Patrick's Day Printables St. Patrick's Day Scramblers
St. Patrick's Day Snacks St. Patrick's Day Snacks at Preschool Education
St. Patrick's Day Stationery St. Patrick's Day e-cards
St. Patrick's Day Story - Starring You St. Patrick's Day Theme Unit
St. Patrick's Day Trivia Hunt St. Patrick's Day WordSearch
St. Patrick's PC Programs St. Patrick's Printables
St. Patty's Day Online Games St. Patty's Pot of Gold Game
St. Patty's Riddles Teachnology - St. Patrick's Day worksheets/printables
To Catch a Leprechaun Trackstar - Interesting Ireland
A Visit to Ireland Scavenger Hunt
What's Different Leprechaun Game Wild and Wacky - The Luck of the Irish
Wilstar St. Patrick's Day Customs and History Write a Limerick for St. Patrick's Day

Make a Rainbow

Supplies: Shallow Dish, milk, food Coloring, Liquid Dish Soap

Place milk in a shallow dish and add drops of several different food colors around the dish. Add a drop of liquid dish soap and watch watch what happens! Interesting chemical reaction!

Piggy Back Song ... to the tune of "Mary Had a Little Lamb"

I'm looking for a leprechaun,
Leprechaun, leprechaun.
I'm looking for a leprechaun,
Do you know where he's gone?

He wears a suit that's made of green,
Made of green, made of green,
He wears a suit that's made of green,
Do you know where he's gone?

He lives by a rainbow and hides his gold, Hides his gold, hides his gold, He lives by a rainbow and hides his gold, Do you know where he's gone?

If you see a leprechaun,
Leprechaun, leprechaun,
If you see a leprechaun,
Please tell me where he's gone!

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This page was updated on Sunday, February 28, 2024.

Mouse Trail Graphics Copyright © Loraine Wauer Ferus