- Open your digital picture within Paint Shop Pro.
- If possible, you should resize all of the pictures that you want in your animation the same size. It makes your photo animation look more even, and flow smoother instead of viewing a big picture and then a smaller one.
- Click "Image" then "Resize."
- Choose the Pixel Size width only... I usually choose between 350 - 400 pixels..... then click "OK."
- Click "File" then "Export" then "Jpeg Optimizer."
- I set the compression value to about 20.
- Rename your picture and save it in a folder that you can locate later.
- Now that you've prepared all your pictures for the photo animation you are ready to put them together.
- Click "File" then "Jasc Software Products" and then "Launch Animation Wizard."
- Click the radio button (circle to click and put a dot inside) "Same Size as the first image frame... then click "Next."
- Click the radio button "Transparent"... then click "Next."
- Click the radio button "Centered in frame"... then click "Next."
- Click the radio button "With the canvas color"... then click "Next"
- Click the radio button "Yes, repeat the animation indefinitely.".... then click "Next."
- "How long do you want each frame to be displayed (in 1/100th of a second)?" you have to chose how long you want each picture to show.... If you want the picture to be up for 3 seconds then chose 300.... and click "Next."
- Now it's time to Add Image... navigate to the folder where you have your resized pictures saved and double click on them to add them. Keep repeating this until you have all the pictures included that you want in your Photo Animation.
- If you want to chage the order of the pictures as they appear in the Photo Animation, just click on the picture in the left hand frame and click the "Move Up" or "Move Down" button.
- Now click "Next" and "Finish."
- Click "File" and "Save As' ... give your photo animation a name... leave the file type a .gif.
- Make sure the slider is all the way at the top of Better Image and Quality.
- Click "Next".... "Next".... "Next".... and "Finish."
- See a sample below.