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PowerPoint #2 Workshop for Teachers
PowerPoint  #2 computer

OnLine Tutorials | Custom Animation | Format Picture for Background
Adding Sound Files | Recording Sound Files | Adding Music from CDs
Internal Hyperlinks
| Linking Text, Objects, or ClipArt
Hyperlink to Other Documents | Hyperlink to Web Addresses | Selecting Small Objects

Now that you have mastered the basics of PowerPoint in PowerPoint #1 you are ready to take it one step farther and learn how to add the "Bells and Whistles" into a presentation. Remember there are lots of excellent online tutorials posted by the experts, if you need more detailed directions than these.
animated dot we will use in this class. Remember, right click on the link, then "Save Target As" and then save to your desktop or somewhere you know where to find it. When it downloads and saves to that location THEN open it.
animated dotHave you ever attended a presentation where the speaker fumbled through PowerPoint, trying to get the presentation started? The speaker starts PowerPoint, searches for the file (often wandering through several folders), opens the file, and finally starts the slide show. Talk about looking like an amateur! There's a much easier way. Place your PowerPoint slide in an easy-to-remember, easy-to-find folder. Then from within any file manager (Windows Explorer, for example), right-click on the file name (the one with the .PPT file extension) and choose "Show". Windows launches PowerPoint and opens the presentation to the first slide in Slide Show mode. Using this technique you'll certainly make a better first impression.
animated dotCustom Animation
With PowerPoint #1 you have created a basic PowerPoint presentation with slide transitions between each slide and now are ready to make the elements of each slide animate.

Custom Animation drop down menu

  • Click "Slide Show" on the top Menu bar then click "Custom Animation". Here you will be able to choose whether or not to animate the different slide elements or not. Check marks indicate that you want to animate an object... no check mark means that the slide object will be stationary on the slide when it appears. Below you will see the Custom Animation Screen. With an object highlighted, you can move the order that it enters the slide up or down under the "Order & Timing" tab by clicking the up and down arrows by "Move". This same screen is where you decide if the slide object is going to animate on mouse click or automatically. If the animation is automatic you can choose how many seconds between animations.

Custom Animation - Move order

  • Now it's time to choose what kind of animation you want your slide objects to have as they move onto the slide. Click the "Effects" tab under the Custom Animation menu and choose an "Entry Animation" from the drop down menus. Some of the entry animations have two choices to make and others just one. In this same area you can choose to have a sound upon entry as well.

Animate slide objects

  • If you want all of the slide objects to have the same custom animation then click and drag over all the elements in top box and then make your choices.
  • Don't forget to click "OK" when you've made all your choices.

animated dotFormatting a Picture/Photograph as a Background
  • Click "Format" on the top Menu bar and then click "Background."

Formatting Background of slide

  • Click the down pointing arrow under the background fill box and then click "Fill Effects."

Fill Effects with Picture

  • Now click the "Picture" tab in the Fill Effects box and then click the "Select Picture" button at the bottom. You will then find the photograph or picture that you want to use as your background, and click the "Insert" button once you've chosen it. When your picture is showing in the Preview box click "OK."

Formatting background

  • Now click "Apply" if the background is only for that one slide.... "Apply to All" if you want it to be the background for all your slides.

animated dotAdding Sound Files
  • On the top menu bar, click "Insert" > "Movies and Sounds" > "Sound from File".
  • In the "Look In" box select the sound and click "OK"
  • A small speaker icon will pop into the middle of the PowerPoint slide and you will get a dialog box asking "Do you want your sound to play automatically in the slide show? If not, it will play when you click it."
  • Custom Animation
  • If you choose for your sound not to play automatically then you click "Slide Show" > "Custom Animation" and make some other choices.
  • Click to put a check mark and animate the media (sound). then under the "Order and Timing" tab move the sound to the order you would like for it to come in.
  • Now click the "Multimedia Settings" tab and put a check mark in the "Play using animation order" box.
  • Now make choices if you would like the slide show to continue while the sound is playing and when you would like it to stop playing.
  • Click "OK" to keep choices.
  • animated dotRecording Your Own Sound Files for PowerPoint
    • You will need a microphone hooked to the computer to record a narration for a PowerPoint slide.
    • Click "Insert" on the top menu bar then click "Movies and Sounds" then "Record Sound"

    Insert Movies and Sounds

    • In the "Record Sound" box, type a name for your recording in the "Name" box.
    • Click the round red button record buttonsto start recording, the gray rectangle button to stop, and the recording and the blue triangle to play it back.
    • If you want to add another section to your recording, just click the "Record" button and begin talking again. This segment will be added to the first one.
    • If you are not happy with your recording click "Cancel" and begin again. If you want to keep it, click "OK."

    animated dotAdding Music from CDs

    You can add CD music tracks to your PowerPoint presentation slides.

    • You should be on the slide that you want to add the music to. Now click "Insert" > "Movies and Sounds" > "Play CD Audio Track."

    Movie and Sound Options

    • Under "Play CD audio track" enter the number track(s) that you want to use. or you can indicate the number of seconds of the track. Then click "OK."
    • A CD icon will appear in the middle of your slide that you can resize or move to another part of the slide. You can also click the box in front of "Loop until stopped" in the top box if you want the music to play continually.
    • To play that CD track, double click on the CD icon and make sure the CD is in the computer drive. You can also set the track to begin playing first in the Custom Animation Order and Timing.

    animated dotInternal Hyperlinks

    Internal hyperlinks are hyperlinks within a single presentation. You will use internal hyperlinks in PowerPoint when some slides in your presentation refer to another one.

    You can create an object or a text (using the text box tool) that you can use as the link. Clip art can also be used as a link. But it is easier and faster if you use one of the predefined action buttons from the Drawing toolbar.

    • Click "AutoShapes" then "Action Buttons" and click the type of Action Button you want. Your cursor will turn to + and then you click and drag to draw your button.
    • You can also access the Action Buttons by clicking "Slide Show" on the top Menu bar and then click "Action Buttons."

    Drawing and Action Button

    • Once you've drawn your Action Button the "Action Settings" dialog box will appear.
    • Select the "Mouse Click" tab at the top if not selected.
    • Click the radio button in front of "Hyperlink To:"
    • Now click the down pointing arrow and select "Slide."

    Action Settings - Mouse Click

    • The "Hyperlink to Slide" dialog box will appear and you choose which slide you would like to link to, then click "OK."
    • Now click "OK " in the Action Settings dialog box.
    • To test your Action Button, run the slide show. When the mouse moves over the button it should turn into a hand to indicate that it is a link.
    • Click to see if the correct slide comes up next.

    Hyperlink to another slide

    Linking Text, Drawn Objects, or Clip Art
    • Select the text or object. Handle bars (small squares) should appear around the object.
    • Click the "Insert Hyperlink" button hyperlink button on the Standard toolbar at the top. You can also click "Slide Show" on the top Menu then click Action Settings... or right click on the object and choose "Action Settings."
    • Continue with the steps from the above section.
    • NOTE: If you are using text as a hyperlink, it will be a different color and be underlined.

    animated dotHyperlink to Other Documents

    You can use the previous steps to link to another PowerPoint presentation or to another document in a different program.

    • When the "Action Settings" dialog box appears, click the "Hyperlink to" circle.
    • From the drop-down menu, select either "Other PowerPoint Presentation" or "Other File."
    • Then browse through the folders/files until the correct document is located.

    Hyperlink to other documents

    animated dot Hyperlink to Web Addresses

    Again, using the same steps aas above, you can link an object or text to an Internet address. It will automatically open the default browser and go directly to the site. To achieve this, use the "Action Settings" dialog box. Click "Hyperlink to" and the "URL." The Hyperlink to URL" box will open. Type in the correct address, leaving off the beginning http://

    Action Settings

    animated dotSelecting Small Objects

    There are times when you need to select a very small object in PowerPoint. Or perhaps you need to select an object that's hidden behind another object. Try this: press Esc to make sure that nothing is selected. Now, press the Tab key until the desired object is selected. Now you can delete, animate, resize or whatever.

    OnLine Tutorials | Custom Animation | Format Picture for Background
    Adding Sound Files | Recording Sound Files | Adding Music from CDs
    Internal Hyperlinks
    | Linking Text, Objects, or ClipArt
    Hyperlink to Other Documents | Hyperlink to Web Addresses | Selecting Small Objects

    animated dot animated dot
    animated dot animated dot

    Vicki Blackwell
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    This page was last updated on Sunday, August 15, 2024.