Literature Pockets
Literature Pockets can be made to contain all of the projects that students complete that correlate with a specific piece of literature.... a portfolio of sorts. To construct a Literature Pocket follow the steps below.
idea bulbmore infoidea bulb
The ideas presented here for each of these books are only a beginning. Please use this as a springboard to the many creative things that you do with children's literature in your classroom. As you develop new activities to correlate with these books, please send your ideas to me and I will add them to the webpage so that all teachers may benefit from your ideas.

remember rememberremember
Remember... the best way to download any of the files on this page is to right click on the link, then choose "Save Target As." Now decide where on your computer you want to save the file, and then click "Save." AFTER you have saved it to your computer then double click to open the file. You must have the program that the file is made in to be able to open it. For example, if it is the Kidspiration Story Map you must have Kidspiration on your computer.

How to Make the Pockets
  1. Use a 12" X 18" piece of construction paper for each pocket. Fold up 6" to make a 12" square.
  2. Staple the right side of the pocket closed.
  3. Punch two or three holdes in the left side of the pocket.
  4. Glue the title strip onto the pocket. The title strip is the same as the bookmark for each book.
  5. Store each completed project in the pocket for that book.

How to Make the Cover

  1. (PowerPoint file) for the Literature Pockets or let students design their own in KidPix. Students should personalize the cover in PowerPoint by replacing with their own name and digital picture.
  2. Glue the Literature Pocket Cover to a 12" square of construction paper and punch two or three holes in the left side of the cover.
  3. As the Literature Pockets are completed, fasten the cover and the pockets together. You might use string, ribbon, twine, raffia, or metal rings.
directions for making the pockets
Literature Pocket Activities
book book
book bookSnowflake Bentley by Jacqueline Briggs Martin
book book
Activities and ideas from Evan-Moor Literature Pockets, Caldecott Winners Grades 4-6 (EMC2702)
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This page was last updated on .5/31/2003