Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the brave American and English soldiers who are defending our country and freedom in the world. I hope that they know how many people are praying for them and their loved ones, and that they are in all of our thoughts. God Bless America.
Proud to be an American
Adopt a Platoon Soldier Support Airforce Times Postcards
American Flag Printables - print some patriotic flags for students and teachers American Red Cross - Facing Fear
Army Times Postcards At War with Iraq - Tackling Tough Issues with Kids
Boston Globe - War in Iraq BBC - Interactive maps of the Middle East
CBS News - America at War CNN - War in Iraq
CNN Iraq Tracker
CNN Student News Council on Foreign Relations - Iraq Resource Center
Conflict Resolution Lesson Plans - help teach social responsibility, develop the convictions and skills needed to shape a safe, sustainable, democratic, and just world. Conflict with Iraq - Curriculum Materials
Coping and Contributing in Times of Crisis, Tragedy and Trauma, an Educator's Guide Dealing with War in the Classroom - Family Education Network
Defend America - news on Operation Iraqi Freedom Defend America - send your thanks to the US Troops
DefenseLINK - US Department of Defense Discussing the News with 3-7 Year Olds
FEMA for Kids - How to Talk to Children about the Threat of Biological Warfare or Terrorist Attack Friendly Letter Together We Stand - stationary for students to write to the troops
Frontline - The Long Road to War Globemaster - US Military Aviation
Guidelines for Talking with Elementary Students About the Possibility of War Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Violence and Disasters from the National Institute of Mental Health lists resources for teachers and students.
United we stand United we will stay
Helping Children Cope - Education World has compiled a list of Web sites to help teachers discuss tragedies with students. Hero / Heroine Writing Activities
Helping Our Children Deal with War from the National Mental Health Association Iraq - A Country Study
KidsHealth for Kids - Dealing with Terrorist Attacks Lesson Plan on Defining War - Essential Questions about the war with Iraq
MSNBC - Iraq the Interactive Library Marine Corps Times Postcards
NASP Resources - Coping in unsettling times. Navy Times Postcards
New York Times - A Nation at War Operation USO Care Package
Operation Dear Abby - send an email of thanks to our troops Operation Military Pride
Order of Battle at Military.com
Patriotic Art Activities PBS - Frontline
PBS News Hour Extra -Teaching the Iraq War PBS: America Responds - classroom resources and lesson plans
PBS Kids: Helping Children Deal with their Concerns about War and Violence PBS Parents - Talking with kids about war and violence
Pencil News for Kids - Operation Iraqi Freedom is covered for students Perspectives in Peace
Perspectives on War Pictures of Iraq and More - Camera Works from the Washington Post
Proud to be an American Theme at
Teach-nology includes WebQuests, hands-on activities, songs, etc.
Red Skelton's Pledge of Allegiance - an excellent explanation of what our Pledge of Allegiance really means.
Resources for Helping Students Deal with Terrorism Resources for Schools on War
Reuters Full News Coverage
SALTS Project - send email to sailors and marines aboard deployed ships Scholastic News: America at War
Standoff with Iraq - The New York Times Learning Network Support the Troops - email your message of support to the Army Reserve troops
Talking about Terrorism and War from the Family Education Network Talking to Kids about Terrorism and Acts of War
Talking with Kids About the News from Children Now Talking with Children About War - from the Children, Youth, and Family Consortium
Teachable Moments - War with Iraq TeachersFirst.com - War with Iraq
Terrorism and Children - When War is in the News Time for Kids - America at War
US Department of State US Special Forces HomePage
War in Iraq - Lessons and Links Washington Post - War in Iraq
Weekly Reader - Conflict in Iraq What is War? Lesson Plan
World Atlas - Middle East maps Yahooligans War with Iraq - find recent news about the War for students
God Bless America, land that I love

This page was last updated on Monday, July 18, 2024