Insect Investigators

A WebQuest for Elementary Students
Designed by Vicki Blackwell

Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits
INTRODUCTION: Stranded at the edge of the playground, you are faced with the Case of the Invading Insects.... Everywhere you look there are bugs... centipedes, bees, wasps, ants, spiders, roaches, and lots of "critters" you have never seen before. It is your job to investigate these insects. Find out as much as you can and ease your teacher's mind by letting her know which ones are helpful and which ones are truly "pests."
THE TASK: You as the Insect Investigator will visit each of the websites below and find the answers to the questions. After completing your research, pick your favorite "Bug" and do a report/slide show using Kid Pix Studio Deluxe.

THE PROCESS: (1) You should visit each Internet site to find the answers to the questions. (2) Once you've collected facts about a variety of Insects, decide on which "bug" you want to do a report on. (3) Organize your research into a final draft and build a multimedia slide show using Kid Pix Studio Deluxe. (4) Present your slide show to your class and teacher.

Visit Bees and Honey and the "Catching the Swarm" page...
(1) Name two reasons that a bee becomes aggressive.
(2) When is the best time for a beekeeper to catch a swarm of bees?
(3) How does the beekeeper get the swarm to go inside the hive?
(4) What is the home of a honeybee called?

(5) How is a bumblebee different from a honeybee? 

(6) What is the state insect of your state? 

(7) What color is a Monarch butterfly's chrysalis?

(8) List some flowers that butterflies will use for nectar.
(9) What are the differences between a butterfly and a moth?

(10)What is entomology?
(11) What is the difference between simple and complete metamorphosis?

(12) Name three insects that live in the desert.
(13) How do beetles communicate?
(14) Visit the
"Bug of the Month" site and in May find out how you can tell if you have termites in your walls?
(15) What is a
termite related to?

(16) Visit Yucky Bug World and "Roach Facts" and find out how long a roach can hold his breath.
(17) How many species of roaches are there in the world?
(18) How fast can a roach run?
(19) How long can a roach live without his head?

(20) Name five different kinds of spiders and give some characteristics about each one..

(21)What is a doodlebug?

 (22) What does a cricket in the house mean? Listen to the cricket chirping.

(23) Are daddy-long-legs or walking sticks harmful to humans?
(24) What do dragonflies do to help humans?

(25) Why are ladybugs welcome in people's gardens?

(26) Go the Bug Mugs Website and do some insect investigation on specific bugs. Collect specific facts from each bug's "Rap Sheet." This site will be an excellent reference for your insect report/presentation.

(27) Click here to find many other sites about insects to aid in your research/ report/ presentation.

50 points - answers to questions
50 points - slide show -
must include 1 title slide, 1 credits slide, 1 author slide, at least 5 pictures of your bug with characteristics from the Internet or clip art,, at least 12 slides with facts,.

CONCLUSION: When you have completed this "Insect Investigation WebQuest" you should be able to give "expert" advice to anyone wondering about those critters bugging them.

CREDITS AND REFERENCES: Thanks to Danny Williams for his guidance in the introduction of WebQuests as an effective Internet teaching technique.


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 This web page was last updated on 11/17/2002