Handheld Computers Title
small hands in a bar across page
red hand bulletWindows Mobile-Based Device Help - input your model, operating system, and region and you will have a step-by-step tutorial on using your Pocket PC.
blue hand bullet Handhelds for Teachers and Administrators by Janet Caughlin and Tony Vincent - book by Tom Snyder productions. The companion website is here. Excellent resource for using Pocket PCs in the classroom.
yellow hand bullet Planet 5th: Learning in Hand - Mr. Vincent's Fifth Grade class in Willowdale Elementary School in Omaha, Nebraska have a website all about using Handheld computers.
green hand bullet Handheld Computers: Power in the Palm of Your Hand by Kathy Schrock (pdf file) - This article appears in the Classroom Connect Newsletter, October 2003. The author addresses handheld basics, advanced features, limitations and the future of handheld computers.
  • A Day in the Life of an Educator's Handheld Computer by Kathy Schrock - (pdf file) - This is a presentation that Kathy Schrock gave at the NECC 2004 conference.
red hand bulletGoKnow, Inc. - GoKnow is the premier provider of educational software, curriculum, and professional development for handheld computers. Backed by scientific research from the University of Michigan, GoKnow's Handheld Learning Environment (HLE) delivers the full benefits of technology for education.
  • Allows teachers to easily manage, assess, and back-up student handheld work.
  • Provides productivity applications expressly designed for K-12 students.
green hand bullet Paperless Classroom -  Eminence Middle School is located in Henry County, Kentucky. "We are testing and experimenting with one-on-one technology. Our classroom uses Windows CE and Pocket PC based Personal Digital Assistants (we call them PDAs.) We are running a paperless classroom with the PDAs. All homework and reading assignments are done on the PDAs. We do not use copied ditto sheets or heavy textbooks. All of this is accomplished in a 7th and 8th Grade Language Arts class, not in a math or science classroom."
blue hand bullet Hi-CE Pocket PC Pages   Using Windows Media Player 9.0 for Pocket PC
yellow hand bullet Pocket Tutor - currently has five educational software titles on the Pocket PC platform.
  • Balance Keeper - addition, subtraction, logical thinking, and basic algebra
  • Word Seeker - reading, vocabulary, and memorization
  • Flash Alphabet - reading
  • Time Tracker - time telling, addition, subtraction, and counting
  • Flash Math - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
  • eBooks - to download
green hand bullet Quizzler - is the ultimate quiz and trivia application, designed to be easy-to-use yet packed with features unmatched in any other software. You can download hundreds of quizzes or easily make your own. Since Quizzler is cross platform, you can run the same quiz on Windows, Macintosh, Palm OS, or Pocket PC! Oh yeah, and the basic version of Quizzler is FREE! Quizzler for PocketPC download.
red hand bulletFreewarePPC.com has free educational downloads for the handheld computer.
Freeware from PocketPCSoft.
blue hand bullet K12 Handhelds - 101 Great Educational Uses and Free Downloads
yellow hand bulletToday Screen Themes for Pocket PC - Twenty-two Themes are available for download.
green hand bullet Free eBooks from Microsoft Reader   and Handheld Learning
red hand bulletWindows Mobile-based Pocket PCs and Windows Mobile Downloads
blue hand bullet Handango.com - Windows Mobile Pocket PC Software Downloads
yellow hand bulletMake Faces for Pocket PC - download a trial version for 7 days to create faces.
green hand bullet RealPlayer for Pocket PC   and 3D Tic Tac Toe - practice your strategy skills.
red hand bullet Handhelds for the Classroom - Tools for Teachers... this article was in Techlearning magazine August 1, 2003.
blue hand bullet HP iPAQ Pocket PC h1940 Options and Accessories
HP iPAQ Pocket PC h2210 Options and Accessories
yellow hand bullet Freeing Up Memory in Your iPAQ - step-by-step directions from Dummies.com
green hand bullet Backing up Your iPAQ files -  step-by-step directions from Dummies.com
red hand bulletTracking Your iPAQ Tasks List - step-by-step directions from Dummies.com
blue hand bullet How to download music from CDs (or MPG3 files) using the Windows Media Player
yellow hand bullet Microsoft Reader for Pocket PC
Learning with Handhelds Kent School District Handhelds Theme Generator from Microsoft
Pocket PC Themes Pocket PC FAQs PocketGear.com

Syncing your Pocket PC with your Desktop

PocketTV -
MPEG movie player

green hand bullet iPAQ Tips
  • If you happen to be entering text in an application, you can quickly close the application by selecting CNTL + Q with the keyboard open to close the application.
  • To free up Memory on your iPAQ follow these steps.... Start > Settings> System > Memory > Running Programs > Stop All > OK
  • Share your contacts with other Pocket PC owners using infrared - All Pocket PC devices have an infrared port, making it easy to send and receive contacts (and other files) between devices. Tap-and-hold on the contact you want to send, and the pop-up menu will appear: select "Send via Infrared". On the receiving device, select the Tools menu option "Receive via Infrared" from the contacts applications.

This page was last updated on Sunday, May 01, 2005.