Uncle Sam Origami - Click here to download the sample Uncle Sam head and feet (PPT file) to go with the folding project below.... or better yet draw your own with construction paper and markers. Use a perfect square of paper to make the the origami base. It's best to use either construction paper or cover stock to make the body sturdy enough to stand up and hold something. Follow the folding and cutting directions to the below. You can also design and draw Uncle Sam's head using KidPix or the Paint Program on your computer. Now fill the pocket with facts, vocabulary words, math problems, or candy :)
4th of July Crafts
4th of July Differences Game
4th of July Fun
4th of July Games for Kids
4th of July - Independence Day
4th of July Jubilee
4th of July Links
4th of July Stars and Stripes pattern
4th of July - US Independence Day
4th of July - Word Searches
4th of July Printables
5-Pointed Star in One Snip
America's Freedom Documents
American Heritage Library - The Price They Paid
The American Revolution
Annie's Fourth of July
Ben's Guide - The Original 13 States
Betsy Ross Homepage
Billy Bear's 4th of July
Biography of Uncle Sam
Boston's Fourth of July
A Capitol Fourth
Celebrating the Fourth of July at Holiday Zone
Celebrating the 4th of July with a Kid's Heart
Celebrating our Independence
A Chronology of US Historical Documents
Continental Congress
Core Documents of U.S. Democracy
Craft Stick Flag Craft
Create Freedom Hat
Declaration of Independence: American Treasures of the Library of Congress