by Kathy Prine

by Colette Taillon

Instructional Technology Facilitator, Amy Ard, created this with
Instructional Technology Facilitator, Dina Spears, created this ; ; ; and
TPSS Instructional Technology Facilitator, Kathy Prine, created this ; .
(ppt) - ESC Region XIII in Texas
Constitution Day Resources at EDSITEment
List of lots of

The Preamble to the Constitution on the "Andy Griffin Show." :)

America's Freedom Documents Ben's Guide: Branches of Government
Bill of Rights Rap - (YouTube video) BrainPop - U.S. Government & Law
Celebrate Constitution Day Celebrating Constitution Day
Charting the Three Branches of Government Lesson Plan Charters of Freedom - Constitution Day
Class Constitution Congress for Kids: Constitution
The Constitution and Bill of Rights at iCivics The Constitution: Counter Revolution or National Salvation Lesson Plan
The Constitution: Archiving Early America Constitution Costs Lesson
Constitution Day Constitution Day @
Constitution Day at ConstitutionFacts. com Constitution Day, Inc.
Constitution Day Lesson Planning at Education World Constitution Day Lesson Plans
Constitution Day Lesson Plans
Constitution Facts The Constitution of the United States
The Constitution of the United States Scavenger Hunt Constitution Resources
The Constitution of the United States Scavenger Hunt The Constitutional Convention: Four Founding Fathers You May Never Have Met
The Constitutional Convention: What the Founding Fathers Said Develop Your Own Constitution
The Founding Fathers Interactive Constitution
James Madison: From Father of the Constitution to President National Constitution Center
Our Documents - Constitution of the United States The Preamble to the Constitution: How Do You Make a More Perfect Union?
Preamble to the Constitution Recited by a 2 year old - YouTube Video Scene at the Signing of the Constitution of the United States
Schoolhouse Rock - Preamble - YouTube Video Schools Ordered to Observe Constitution Day
Shh! We're Writing the Constitution by Jean Fritz - the video version of the book The Signers of the Constitution
Teaching the Constitution Teaching with Documents: Observing Constitution Day
Trivia - The U.S. Constitution
U.S. Constitution @ Flocabulary The U.S. Constitution at
Writing the Constitution Crossword Puzzle

Discovery Education Streaming (formerly known as United Streaming) has several videos dealing with the United States Constitution:
  • The Almost Painless Guide to the U.S. Constitution
  • Our Constitution: The Document that Gave Birth to a Nation
  • Ssssh! We're Writing the Constitution

Gettysburg Flag Works - recommended by Diana Thompson

Thanks to David Cox in Region 6 for the following Constitution Day recommendations.

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This page was updated on Wednesday, September 09, 2024.