First Destination:
The Bone Zone
1. The human skeleton has 206 bones. Which is the longest? ________________
Second Destination: How Hearing Works
2. The smallest bones are those in our ears. What are their names? (There are three, and each has a plain, and a fancy name.)
______________ / ______________ _______________/_______________, _____________/____________
Third Destination: The Big Story on Bones
3. What makes up the inside portion of our bones? ______________________
4. What is it's purpose? _________________________________________
Fourth Destination: Human Body Adventure - Skeletal System
5. Joints are what hold our bones together. There are two types: movable and immovable. A hinge joint is a type of movable joint found in ________________, _________________________, and _______________________________
6. Why do you think they are called hinge joints? ____________________________________________________________
Fifth Destination: Neuroscience for Kids
7. Another word for the skull is the cranium. What is the most important job of the skull? ____________________________________________________
Sixth Destination: Facts About Teeth
8. Human teeth are almost as hard as _____________________________
9. What were George Washington's teeth made from? (Hint: not wood!)
Thanks to and Instructor Magazine for this Internet Scavenger Hunt. |
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Thursday, February 22, 2024.
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