- Vicki Blackwell
- www.vickiblackwell.com/
- Login “Admin”
- Click [School] button
- Click [Classes] button
- Click [Add] button
- For Name type for ex.
“Vicki Blackwell’s Fourth Grade”
- For Password type for ex. “vb” the teacher’s initials
- Click [Assign Teacher]
- Click [New]
- Type the teachers name – first and last
- Click [OK] and [OK] again
- Do you want to add more? Click Yes or No depending on what you need.
- Give the AR coordinator at your school your password.
- Click [School]
- Click [Students]
- Click [Add] and type the Student’s name – first, middle initial, last
- Type their “Password” (can be from two to six characters) be consistent
throughout the school.
- Click “Grade”
- Click “Gender”
- Other fields are optional
- Click [OK]
- Do you want to add more students? [YES] [NO]
- When finished, click [DONE]
- Click [School]
- Click [Classes]
- Click to highlight the teacher’s class
- Click [Enroll]
- Hold down the [CTRL] key and then click on each student in your class.
(By holding down the [CTRL] key you can randomly select students from
the alphabetical list.
- Click [Add] and their names will transfer to the box on the right.
- Click [OK]
- If you make a mistake just click on that student’s name and click the
[Unenroll] button on the left
- For easy navigation click [GO]
- Re-sort most lists by clicking on one of the column headings in the
- Change the order of columns by clicking and holding your mouse button on
the column heading and dragging it to the new location.
- Number of login attempts is 3 before student is locked out.
- Click [GO] “Students”
- Click the student whose lockout needs to be cleared.
- From “Student” menu, select “Clear Lock”. If you want to clear lockouts
for all students, select “Clear All Locks” from the “Students” menu.
- Click [OK]
- Delete using the 3S’s rule- sad, silly, or sick
- Click [GO] then “Student Practice”
- Click on the student’s name
- Select the “Quizzes” tab, then click the Quiz you want to delete
- Click [Delete] button
- Click [Yes] button to confirm deletion.
- Zone of Proximal Development
- If a student continually scores between 86% and 92% then he is reading
in his “ZONE.”
- ZPD is a range – use ‘Goal Setting Chart’ to help determine the
student’s ZPD.
- Non-fiction books should be .5 to 1 yr. below the ZPD
- AR Portfolio might include the Student Reading Log or Primary Student
Reading Log – “Status of the Class” – ticket to take a quiz; TOPS
- Student Reading Plan – setting goals –Goal Setting Chart
- Customized Reading List
- Six Levels of Certification
- Designate AR books
- Use colored dots on spine
- Stickers or labels
- Book Level and Point Value
- Special shelf or location
- Flexible library check out procedure
- AR “hall passes” – dead mice
- Post and distribute quiz list
- school website
- school library
- local town library
- Classroom
- Bookmobile
- Student may need instruction and more guidance on book selection.
- School may not have enough books.
- Not using Status of the Class
- Insufficient use of TOPS, Diagnostic Report, and Student Record Reports
- AR Books not labeled.
- No goal setting.
- Certification Goals
- Point Goals
- Book-Level Goals
- Minimum Average Percent Correct
- Click [Go] on the top menu bar
- Click [Reading Practice] in the drop down menu.
- Click on a student’s name, then the [Goals] tab.
- Click on a marking period
- Click on the [Set] button on the left